Before we finished our conversation at PrĂȘt, we were interrupted by Kia’s friend. He was 20 minutes early and suddenly her face lit up, and together they began to talk and laugh as if they were in their own little world. Suddenly the Kia I knew was back. Bubbly and free spirited. She began to talk about her book and how Kia Garriques had spent nights dreaming of this world which, existed in a far off galaxy of the universe, with super human power.
Before we finished our conversation at PrĂȘt, we were interrupted by Kia’s friend. He was 20 minutes early and suddenly her face lit up, and together they began to talk and laugh as if they were in their own little world. Suddenly the Kia I knew was back. Bubbly and free spirited. She began to talk about her book and how Kia Garriques had spent nights dreaming of this world which, existed in a far off galaxy of the universe, with super human power.
“Who’s Kia Garriques?” I said, knowing full well that everyone knew her as Nikki. “You mean Kia Storm.”
She laughed saying, “No! I meant Kia Garriques.”
“You mean, you haven’t told her yet?” her friend said, giggling away.
“What?” I asked in a confused manner. I wanted to be in on their joke and was suddenly beginning to feel left out. I needed to be with the ‘in’ crowd.
Kia grinned. “Kia Garriques is writing a fantasy novel for teenagers.” she explained.
“But... what about Kia Storm?” I cried.
“Well I guess Kia Garriques is the alter ego of Kia Storm and Kia Storm is an image. I never try to look like that image in my daily life. I just like being normal. I guess I don't really like the spotlight too much. In my daily life, I dont like to be known too much,” she says. “So maybe in essence I see Kia Garriques as the writer, the creative side of me and well I guess Kia is just...".
Before she could say another word, her mobile phone rang and she was off outside, screaming excitedly into it, as though she had just heard some good news.
Before she could say another word, her mobile phone rang and she was off outside, screaming excitedly into it, as though she had just heard some good news.
“Don’t worry,” her friend assured me. “She’s a complex character but, you got to love her. She has a heart of gold. She does so much but you would never know because she never promotes it too much, especially if its nothing to do with her writing. But she mostly talks about her dream which, is her novel. Even I can't wait to read this novel.”
"You havent read it?" I asked.
"No, just her sister and her agent have read it." he said. "It's fantasy fiction and believe me she has this unique imagination. I guess you can say Kia Storm writes the gritty stuff and Kia Garriques...well...Kia Garriques likes to create worlds...but I sure can't wait to read it."
"There's a lot more to discover about her." he grinned. "When this girl put her mind to something... I'm telling you, nothing stops her and she's got her heart on her book."
"Tell me some more..." He would not reveal anything else. He just placed his index finger over his lips as if to silence me.
"You havent read it?" I asked.
"No, just her sister and her agent have read it." he said. "It's fantasy fiction and believe me she has this unique imagination. I guess you can say Kia Storm writes the gritty stuff and Kia Garriques...well...Kia Garriques likes to create worlds...but I sure can't wait to read it."
"There's a lot more to discover about her." he grinned. "When this girl put her mind to something... I'm telling you, nothing stops her and she's got her heart on her book."
"Tell me some more..." He would not reveal anything else. He just placed his index finger over his lips as if to silence me.
I walked away from that meeting, still feeling like I didn’t know Kia as much as i would like. How could Kia Garriques be the alter ego of Kia when Kia Garriques was her reality?
Kia Storm/ Kia Garriques had mentioned to me on previous occasions that even though her friends were always telling her to grow up, she refused to listen. For a long time she felt something was wrong with her because she normally thought about life in bright colours and lights. She knows that her creativity radiates from her fairy tale yet inquisitive imagination.
I was once told that, “When we grow up, we become people who lose their originality and soon our life becomes more about caring for others rather than looking after number one." Kia knows that even when our priorities change, we can still build on what makes us wonderfully different from the rest of the human race and really start living our lives, rather than just existing.
I thought about one of my favourite singers, Jessie J, who had to deal with the pressures and stresses of being seen as different from a very young age. She has gone through a lot to get to where she is now. I mean, I remember reading somewhere how at the age of 11 Jessie J was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat.
At the age of 18, she suffered a minor stroke and perhaps at that point she realised what was really important to her and has fought for her singing career since. Her most recent song on her album titled ‘Who’s Laughing Now’ is dedicated to those who bullied her, due to her illness when she was younger. “It wasn’t easy for me at school; I was called ‘Alien’ because I had a heart problem so I had these betas – blockers that actually turned my skin a light shade of green,” she said.
My mind also drifted to Nicky Minaj, another artist who is different and not afraid to show it. Known as the ‘black Lady Gaga’, Nicky feels that she is happy not being part of the mainstream and promotes the idea of embracing your differences.
When comparing herself to the ‘Poker Face’ star, she said, “We both do the awkward non-pretty thing. What we're saying…well what I'm saying anyway is that it's OK to be weird. Maybe your weird is my normal. Who's to say? I think it's an attitude we both share. The point is, everyone is not black and white. There are so many shades in the middle, and you’ve got to let people feel comfortable with saying what they want to say when they want to say it. I don’t want to feel like I’ve got the gun pointed at my head and you’re about to pull the trigger if I don’t say what you want to hear. I just want to be me and do me.”
So there you have it! Here I was thinking that we nerds have it hard, when most people, no matter who they go through, have similar traumas and experiences. It is all about how you stand up to these problems.
“You just have to think about others,” Kia had said to me. “If we focus on helping others, we begin to realise it’s not always about us all the time. When you focus on yourself so much, you are bound to start noticing the thing that isn’t right with you and that is the problem.”
So until next time....remember...we are all different and you know what? It feels great to be different...